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Actu & Médias


Of Interest

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Pour les actualités en français, voir la page Actus & Médias.

Handing over to industry

The participants to the meeting with the CEO of Dawonsys, Sun-Soon Park, Jong-Seok Oh from the Korean Domestic Agency, DDG Yong-Hwan Kim and Ivone Benfatto, head of the Electrical Engineering Division, together with the team from ITER, and industry. (Click to view larger version...)
The participants to the meeting with the CEO of Dawonsys, Sun-Soon Park, Jong-Seok Oh from the Korean Domestic Agency, DDG Yong-Hwan Kim and Ivone Benfatto, head of the Electrical Engineering Division, together with the team from ITER, and industry.
This week saw a great step forward in the evolution of the ITER coil power supplies and pulsed power distribution systems. The Procurement Arrangement with the Korean Domestic Agency for the AC/DC converters (signed in March this year) had led to the selection and award of a contract in August to a consortium led by Dawonsys Co. Ltd. who will design and build the converters, and Hyosung Co. Ltd. who will design and build the converter transformers.

Since the contract kick-off meeting in September, the consortium has performed an enormous amount of preliminary design work, fault analysis, simulations, and configuration checks; the full status report was made during a three-day meeting at Cadarache this week with the Coil Power Supply Section (Electrical Engineering Division, EED). They presented a 3D model showing the latest configuration based on the R&D result of a prototype converter unit.

The objectives of the face-to-face meeting were to ensure an efficient start of contract activities and follow up work to be performed by the ITER Organization, to identify any issues to be resolved and, of course, to begin the best working relationship between ITER and the Domestic Agency's industrial partners.

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