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One last all-staff meeting in Salle Gravier

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Before long, ITER will have its own facility in which to organize its all-staff meetings—a 500-seat amphitheatre in the new Headquarters Building. For now though, the hospitality of the CEA meeting room René Gravier is essential: on Tuesday 12 June, close to 400 ITER employees gathered in two consecutive sessions in the Salle Gravier for a meeting with senior management. 

Director-General Osamu Motojima updated the staff on the recommendations of the recent Management Advisory Council in preparation for the upcoming ITER Council meeting (20-21 June in Washington DC). He also spoke of the status of the ITER Project schedule and the near-term challenges the project is facing. His talk was followed by presentations from senior management members Sachiko Ishizaka, ITER Council secretary; Rem Haange, director of the Department for ITER Project; Joo-Shik Bak, chief engineer; and Rich Hawryluk, director of the Department of Administration, each highlighting some of the specific challenges within their respective areas of responsibility.

The all-staff meetings were followed by animated question-and-answer sessions during which management and staff exchanged views and opinions.

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