Central solenoid vendor meeting
23 Apr 2010
Cindy Ross Lundy, US ITER
Taking a break during the central solenoid pre-solicitation vendor meeting in Oak Ridge are, from left, Robert Stock, Alexander & Associates; Wayne Reiersen, US ITER Magnet Systems Team Leader; John Ray, Alexander & Associates; and Brad Nelson, US ITER Chief Engineer.
More than 60 representatives of 42 companies attended a pre-solicitation vendor meeting for the ITER central solenoid hosted by the US ITER Project Office. The meeting, held 7 April at the American Museum of Science and Energy in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, featured an overview and "acquisition roadmap" for the central solenoid. It also included presentations on the coil, manufacturing development, structures and assembly tooling, individual procurement plans, and quality assurance. The list of meeting attendees had an international flavour, including representatives of firms from the US, Japan, and Europe.