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European agency launches new industry portal

F4E's new Industry Portal has been developed to foster an interactive, dynamic relationship between European industry and F4E. (Click to view larger version...)
F4E's new Industry Portal has been developed to foster an interactive, dynamic relationship between European industry and F4E.
The European Domestic Agency's new industry portal is now available. This new portal, the entry point for companies and associations who want to answer the agency's calls for tender, has undergone a complete refurbishment so that users have a quicker and more efficient way of sharing their information. The portal also offers increased networking opportunities among industry and the opportunity to search and find relevant business partners or sub-contractors whilst enjoying improved security.

A one-stop shop where all European business calls for tender and announcements are published, the new industry portal has been especially developed to foster an interactive, dynamic relationship between European industry and the European agency for ITER. Users can create a profile and register their company using pre-existing online forms. This information is then checked as part of pre-qualification process in order to ensure that basic data needed to be identified by the agency or other industry as a potential partner are given. Pre-qualified suppliers can re-use the corporate information they have submitted, including financial data, when applying for future calls for tender.
In order to allow users to familiarize themselves with the new features of the industry portal as quickly as possible, five tutorials are available on the portal site. 
Access the new European industry portal by clicking here.

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