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  • Manufacturing | Recent milestones in Russia

    Russia continues to deliver in-kind components to the ITER project according to procurement arrangements signed with the ITER Organization. Some recent manufact [...]

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    Satellite cleanliness engineering will help protect the ITER tokamak from construction contamination. When the ITER vacuum team realized that the level of const [...]

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    The detrimental effects of plasma disruptions are a major concern for ITER and all next-generation fusion devices. Experts from all over the world met early thi [...]

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    ITER Director-General Pietro Barabaschi made a diplomatic trip to China last week to represent the ITER Project at multiple high-level meetings. On Thursday 5 S [...]

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Of Interest

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A day of athletic games at ITER Korea

Lionel Rigaux and Joe Onstott from the ITER Organization were present for the games in Korea and are pictured here holding the banner on either side of Kijung Jung, the Director-General of the Korean Domestic Agency. (Click to view larger version...)
Lionel Rigaux and Joe Onstott from the ITER Organization were present for the games in Korea and are pictured here holding the banner on either side of Kijung Jung, the Director-General of the Korean Domestic Agency.
The Korean Domestic Agency held a day of athletic games on 28 May in order to promote communication, friendship and a sense of community among the staff members.

Seventy-eight staff members participated in the day's activities. Divided into two teams, participants competed in badminton, dodge ball, foot volleyball and soccer.

Lionel Rigaux, Leader of ITER's Accounting, Treasury and Systems Section, and Joe Onstott, Acting Leader of the Budget Management Section, happened to be visiting from the ITER Organization and also participated in the games. "We were impressed by the warm hospitality shown by the Korean Domestic Agency. It was a great pleasure for us to be able to participate in these games together!"

Promoting communication, friendship and a sense of community among the staff members. (Click to view larger version...)
Promoting communication, friendship and a sense of community among the staff members.
Emphasizing team-building among ITER Korea staff members, Kijung Jung, the Director-General of the Korean Domestic Agency, commented, "I am glad to see that this occasion has provided an opportunity to strengthening the bonds and the solidarity among staff members."

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