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Reflections in the mirror

The architects (ENIA Architectes) who planned the exterior aspect of the ITER scientific buildings wanted them to meld into the natural environment, and at the same time to reflect the precision of the research work being performed within.

For the moment, the mirror-like surfaces of the mockup only reflect the shapes of the trucks and cranes that surround the building... (Click to view larger version...)
For the moment, the mirror-like surfaces of the mockup only reflect the shapes of the trucks and cranes that surround the building...
Their technical solution reposes on alternating cladding of polished stainless steel and grey-lacquered metal. At the same time as the ITER buildings reflect the changing skies and pick up the hues of the passing seasons, the polished, sharp quality of their exteriors conveys something of the high-tech nature of the activities they harbour.

In order to check the feasibility of installation and to have the final choices validated by the architects, a mockup of the planned cladding has been erected at the south corner of the Assembly Building. A few square metres of the building's metal structure have been covered with the two types of alternating cladding, allowing us to imagine what the completed building will look like.

Melding into the natural environment, the alternating cladding of polished stainless steel and grey-lacquered metal reflects the precision of the research work being performed within. © ENIA Architectes (Click to view larger version...)
Melding into the natural environment, the alternating cladding of polished stainless steel and grey-lacquered metal reflects the precision of the research work being performed within. © ENIA Architectes
For the moment, the mirror-like surfaces only reflect the shapes of the trucks and cranes that surround the building.

But we have an indication of what the final result will be—and it's quite impressive.

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