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  • Busbar installation | Navigating an obstacle course

    What is simple and commonplace in the ordinary world, like connecting an electrical device to a power source, often takes on extraordinary dimension at ITER. Wh [...]

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  • Vacuum vessel assembly | Back in the starting blocks

    Close to two years have passed since vacuum vessel assembly was halted when defects were identified in the ITER tokamak's vacuum vessel sectors and thermal shie [...]

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  • Ride 4 Fusion | Scientific outreach on two wheels

    A group of fusion researchers has left Padua, Italy, for an 800-kilometre bike trip to the ITER site. Their goal? To share information about fusion energy resea [...]

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    A yearly tradition in the ITER community for more than a decade now, the ITER Games offer a pleasant way to reconnect among colleagues and neighbours after the [...]

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    Russia continues to deliver in-kind components to the ITER project according to procurement arrangements signed with the ITER Organization. Some recent manufact [...]

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Assembly tools

A first glimpse at the colossus

Imagine a 600-tonne umbrella, with a central shaft more than 4 metres in diameter and ribs as thick as the girders of a travelling crane—this is what the central column and the nine radial beams of the in-pit assembly tool will look like once they are installed inside the Tokamak pit.

Close to 6 metres tall and weighing approximately 70 tonnes, the first segment, the bottom cylinder, is the largest and heaviest of the column's five sections. Similar to the others, it is a hollow, rib-reinforced structure equipped with a series of interior ladders, traps and staging. (Click to view larger version...)
Close to 6 metres tall and weighing approximately 70 tonnes, the first segment, the bottom cylinder, is the largest and heaviest of the column's five sections. Similar to the others, it is a hollow, rib-reinforced structure equipped with a series of interior ladders, traps and staging.
Designed for a nominal load of 5,400 tonnes, the temporary tool will support, align, and stabilize the vacuum vessel sub-assemblies as they are joined and welded. In just a few weeks, after the installation of the first poloidal field coil, the first central column segment will be lifted into the assembly pit and anchored to the basemat.

Designed for a nominal load of 5,400 tonnes, the temporary tool (central column and radial beams) will support, align, and stabilize the vacuum vessel sub-assemblies as they are joined and welded. (Click to view larger version...)
Designed for a nominal load of 5,400 tonnes, the temporary tool (central column and radial beams) will support, align, and stabilize the vacuum vessel sub-assemblies as they are joined and welded.
The bottom cylinder will be installed once poloidal field coil #6 has been lowered to rest on its temporary supports. Depending on the other activities in both the Assembly Hall and the assembly pit, the other sections will be lifted one by one or by pairs, extending the installation operations well into the summer.

As for the radial beams, they will arrive in the pit supporting each vertical vacuum vessel sub-assembly as it travels by overhead crane. Once installed, the beams (and their loads) are supported between the central column and the concrete bioshield.

In addition to its weight-bearing role, the colossus at the centre of the pit will provide a physical manifestation of the machine axis, prior to the welding of the pre-assemblies. Equipped with a number of fiducial targets, the central column will allow for the ultra-precise positioning and alignment of the toroidal field coils. Fiducial targets on the radial beams will fulfil the same role for the vacuum vessel sectors.

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