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A majestic component enters the stage

The floor of the Assembly Hall is an ever-changing stage. Like characters in a grand production, components of all size and shapes make a spectacular entry, play their part as lead actor or supporting cast, and eventually exit on their way to the assembly pit.

A lead actor enters the stage: poloidal field coil #5, 17 metres in diameter, is one the six ring-shaped coils required for the machine. (Click to view larger version...)
A lead actor enters the stage: poloidal field coil #5, 17 metres in diameter, is one the six ring-shaped coils required for the machine.
On Monday 26 July, the sliding door of the vast hall opened and gave way to one of the most majestic components ever to enter stage: a perfect ring of shiny steel with thin, delicate copper inlays.

One of the six ring-shaped coils required for the machine, poloidal field coil #5 (PF5) measures 17 metres in diameter and weighs approximately 340 tonnes. Manufactured on site by Europe, it left the production line in April and was placed in temporary storage. The coil had been more than three and a half years in the making, and the meticulous, stage-by-stage process brought together the expertise of a dozen companies and more than 150 people.

Manufactured on site by Europe, poloidal field coil #5 left the production line in April. The component was three and a half years in the making. (Click to view larger version...)
Manufactured on site by Europe, poloidal field coil #5 left the production line in April. The component was three and a half years in the making.
The coil is scheduled for installation in the assembly pit in September. In the meantime, it will prepared and equipped for the delicate lifting and insertion operations.

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