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Image of the week

There is life on Planet ITER

Dated April 2023, this new image of the ITER "planet" places the construction site squarely in the middle.

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One kilometre long, 400 metres wide, the ITER construction platform is the focal point of project activity, where some three dozen buildings and technical areas house equipment that will be needed during ITER's operation phase. Approximately 60 kilometres north of Marseille and the Mediterranean Sea, the worksite is represented here as the centre of the ITER Planet, surrounded by forest and farmland. A little right of centre is the machine assembly theatre—two contiguous buildings where the principal machine components are delivered and installed. At 5 o'clock from that point are two elements of the ITER cryostat, the top lid and upper cylinder, wrapped in white protective coverings. Plant buildings are distributed along grid-like roads and alleys, and a huge electrical switchyard is visible at left. This drone image can be downloaded as a printable image. A "Planet ITER" brochure, with labelled buildings, will soon be available in Publications. (Photo ITER Organization - EJF Riche)

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