The year in pictures
21 Dec 2012
ITER Communication
On a cristal-clear mid-December afternoon, the view from the ITER site extends to the snowcapped summit of the Montagne de Lure.
Another year has passed—the fifth since the ITER Organization was officially established on 24 October 2007.
The year 2012 was, first and foremost, "The year of the Decree." On 10 November, the French government authorized the construction of the Installation nucléaire de base ITER, the first fusion installation in history to qualify as a nuclear installation.
It was also the year during which all ITER personnel was "repatriated" onto the ITER campus: on 16 November the rotogate allowing the passage between the ITER offices inside the CEA-Cadarache enclosure and those on the ITER site was closed.
Work was finalized in 2012 on the Tokamak Complex Seismic Pit—basemat, retaining walls and 493 seismic columns and pads.
Construction activities were launched in two new areas: a 3,500 square-metre Contractors Area, future base for the construction companies and a large number of workers, and the Assembly Building that will host the pre-assembly operations of ITER components.
More and more news has reached us about pre-manufacturing and manufacturing activities that are being carried out by the ITER Domestic Agencies and their suppliers all over the world.
A definite shift can be felt: the ITER Project is moving away from design activities and on to the fabrication of precise, high-tech components. To see 2012 construction photos go to this page and sort by year.
ITER Communication wishes you a happy and healthy New Year.