Master's in Fusion and Plasma Sciences

With the construction of two large fusion facilities—ITER and the Laser Mega Joule (an inertial fusion project near Bordeaux)—currently underway on its soil, France is becoming a world reference in fusion science.
In order to prepare high-level French and international scientists and engineers to exploit these devices and to advance the fields of plasma science, fusion science and energy, a specific Master's program in Fusion and Plasma Sciences has been developed.
Three programs are offered by 13 participating higher education institutions in France (l'Université d'Aix-Marseille, l'Ecole Centrale Marseille, l'Ecole des Arts et Métiers, l'Université de Bordeaux, l'Université de Lorraine, et l'Université Pierre et Marie Curie, l'université Paris-Sud, l'Ecole Centrale-Supelec, l'Institut d'Optique Graduate School, l'Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, l'Ecole Polytechnique, and l'Institut National des Sciences et Techniques Nucléaires). Participants have a choice of three sites (Marseille, Bordeaux and Nancy), with each program including one month of class at one of the functioning research institutions in France. The programs end with a five-month research project and thesis.
The students can choose between magnetic confinement fusion; inertial (laser) fusion, and fusion science and technology. Courses are taught in French (some possibilities do exist in English).
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