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Actu & Médias

Pour les actualités en français, voir la page Actus & Médias.

Summer postcards

A building that, from a certain angle, looks like the bow of a spaceship; a handling tool that evokes a mechanical Titan, slowly opening and closing giant arms; a steel-lined room that seems to open out onto the star-studded firmament; an intricate mass of pipes, pumps and tanks resembling the innards of a large marine creature ... All in all, the ITER worksite can be an astonishing visual experience.

 (Click to view larger version...)
This last issue of Newsline before our traditional summer break (we'll be back on 3 September) offers a guided tour of the main activities underway on site: the building of the "crown" on the floor of the Tokamak Building; the fabrication of the first poloidal field coil and the cryostat; and ongoing works in the cryoplant and Assembly Hall.

To this visual journey, we've added a brief report on the recent visit of the US Secretary of Energy, Rick Perry. Like many, he was positively impressed by what he saw.

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