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Load tests

Heavyweight champion

The Assembly Hall, with its two giant tools towering 20 metres above ground, is one of the most spectacular locations on the ITER site. When a dummy load weighing as much as a fully loaded 747 is slowly upended, displaced and eventually installed into one of the tool's wings, spectacular gives way to awesome.

View the gallery below and click on this time-lapse VIDEO LINK to share in the experience.
When spectacular gives way to awesome: the 360-tonne dummy load, representing a toroidal field coil, is being slowly upended using both the double overhead crane at one end and a powerful telescopic crane at the other. (Click to view larger version...)
When spectacular gives way to awesome: the 360-tonne dummy load, representing a toroidal field coil, is being slowly upended using both the double overhead crane at one end and a powerful telescopic crane at the other.

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