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Actu & Médias

Pour les actualités en français, voir la page Actus & Médias.
Image of the week

ITER games, 9th edition

Meeting new people, competing for fun and getting to know about the many sports associations active in the ITER vicinity—this is what the ITER games have been about for the past eight years.

Kayaking on the Verdon River is an event enjoyed by veterans and beginners alike. (Photo Agence Iter France) (Click to view larger version...)
Kayaking on the Verdon River is an event enjoyed by veterans and beginners alike. (Photo Agence Iter France)
In 2011, when the first edition was held, the idea was to create an event that would facilitate the integration of the ITER personnel into their new environment. The event—which was popular from the outset—now attracts more than 650 people from the ITER community.

One of the day's highlights—lunch under the plane trees of Vinon-sur-Verson—divides the competitive sports of the morning from the pétanque competitions and treasure hunt of the afternoon. (Photo Agence Iter France) (Click to view larger version...)
One of the day's highlights—lunch under the plane trees of Vinon-sur-Verson—divides the competitive sports of the morning from the pétanque competitions and treasure hunt of the afternoon. (Photo Agence Iter France)
On Saturday 14 September, a mix of "ITER people" and of residents from local communities gathered in the neighbouring village of Vinon-sur-Verdon for the ninth edition of what is now a very well-attended tradition.

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