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Actu & Médias

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ENEA celebrates 50th anniversary

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On 8 July, the EURATOM-ENEA Association on Fusion
in Frascati near Rome, Italy, celebrated its 50th anniversary. Since 1960 the Italian Association, with more than 600 engineers, technicians and physicists, has made a valuable contribution to the fusion program both in physics and in technology in the field of superconductivity, plasma-facing components, remote maintenance and metrology, neutronics, heating and current drive, plasma control, fuel cycle and safety. In all these fields, the achievements were of utmost importance for ITER.

The Italian Association also played an important role in the European enterprises JET and NET. It is also very active in promoting industry participation in ITER procurement. During the very lively event, Giovanni Lelli (ENEA Chairman), Aldo Pizzuto (EURATOM-ENEA Association Director), Romano Toschi, (Italian Representative at CCFU), Francesco Romanelli (EFDA Leader), Maurizio Gasparotto (ITER Department Director, F4E), Maurizio Lontano (IFP-CNR Director), and Giorgio Rostagni (Consorzio RFX Leader) retraced the history of the EURATOM-ENEA Association and its main scientific and technological achievements. Particular attention was given to the contribution of the first ENEA Director, Prof. Bruno Brunelli, and the first European Fusion Program Director, Prof. Donato Palumbo.

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Octavi Quintana Trias (EURATOM Director) attended the meeting and emphasized with words of appreciation the Italian Association's contribution to Fusion. Alessandro Giordani, Italian Consigliere dell'Ufficio Diplomatico della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, focused on the challenges of the coming years and he particularly underlined the importance of the ITER Project and the Italian participation, as well as the realization of the FAST project as a part of the EURATOM program.

More than 150 people gathered in Aula Bruno Brunelli. Among them, such distinguished guests as Carlos Varandas (Chairman of the F4E Government Board), Yvan Capouet (Head of Fusion Association Agreement, Euratom), Ambrogio Fasoli (CRPP Executive Director ); local authorities Stefano Di Tommaso (Mayor of Frascati) and the ENEA present and retired
staff members. Great emotion was reached when Prof. Bruno Brunelli was reminded in presence of Mrs. Maria Brunelli, his widow, and Dr. Giovanni Brunelli, his son, and when the significant contribution made by Arturo Tanga to our community was mentioned.

After the lunch and the cut of the anniversary cake by Yvan Capouet, Head of Fusion Association Agreement, Euratom, and Giovanni Lelli, ENEA Chairman, participants visited the fusion laboratories. A concert by "Il Quartetto di Spoleto" delighted the participants at the end of the ceremony.

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