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Toshihide Tsunematsu

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It is with our deepest regret that we announce the death of Dr. Toshihide Tsunematsu. He passed away on Saturday, 4 September, following heart surgery. Dr. Tsunematsu was a Member of the Japanese delegation to the ITER Council and its Management Advisory Committee (MAC), and since January this year had also acted as the Council's Vice-Chair.

Dr. Tsunematsu started his scientific career in 1976 at the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI). In 1993, he was appointed Leader of the Home Team Design Group at the ITER Work Site in Naka. In April 2000, he became Director of the Naka Fusion Research Establishment and in April 2006 he was nominated Director-General of the Fusion Directorate at Naka. From October 2007 through March 2009, Dr. Tsunematsu headed the Japanese Domestic Agency (JA-DA).

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