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Actu & Médias

Pour les actualités en français, voir la page Actus & Médias.

Third election of ITER Staff Committee

 (Click to view larger version...)
This week the ITER staff was asked to vote for a new Staff Committee. The Committee, which is elected every year with a one-year mandate, represents the professional interests of all ITER staff—including employment, working conditions, safety and general welfare—and facilitates communication between the Director-General and the staff on these matters.

The Committee consists of eight members and two alternates who meet with management on a regular basis. A number of sub-committees act as informal advisory boards on specific matters such as education, sport and cultural activities, and pensions and social insurance.

This year's staff participation in the elections—71 percent compared to 67 percent last year—clearly acknowledges the Staff Committee's role and accomplishments over the past years.

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