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Actu & Médias

Pour les actualités en français, voir la page Actus & Médias.

Porridge and baked beans to start the day

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A big "thank you" to all our colleagues for hosting a most delicious breakfast last Thursday, 13 October. As part of the Intercultural Breakfasts, the lobby of the Agence Iter France was filled once again with mouth-watering smells.

Thanks to British and Irish colleagues who had been working since dawn to prepare baked beans, toasts, bacon and scrambled eggs, muffins, crumpets, scones, English tea, porridge, and more, about 70 people were able to taste the traditional "non-continental" breakfast specialities. What a good way to start the day!

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The next event will be the Thanksgiving Luncheon on Thursday, 17 November, from 12:00 to 13:00 in the lobby of Building 521. This is a call for contribution to all our American friends!

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