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ITER is a vast subject that will take time to explore. Every few months we hope you’ll look forward to receiving news from the frontiers of ITER science and technology, the enterprising world of high-precision industry, and from the hilltop in Provence where it’s all coming together.

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In this issue

Reels, de-spoolers, a winding table, impregnation moulds ... little by little the 12,000 m² Poloidal Field Coils Winding Facility is being equipped with specialized tooling.

In the lair of the ring magnets

ITER's ring-like poloidal field coils are among the largest and heaviest components of the ITER machine. Ranging from 8 to 24 metres in diameter, and from 193 to 396 tonnes, six coils will encircle the ITER vacuum chamber like so many paral...
November 1985: the two most powerful men in the world give the necessary political impetus to creating "the widest practicable" international cooperation in the domain of fusion.

Conceived in Geneva

On a cold November morning in Geneva, 30 years ago, two men met for the first time. Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev, at the head of the world's two superpowers, had much to talk about. At that moment in history, tension between the Sovi...
Unloaded, unwrapped, and carefully stored in the Cryostat Workshop, where welding and assembly activities will soon begin, the segments already give us an idea of the size of the ITER machine.

The ITER cryostat: on your mark, get set ...

For the past year, the pace of highly exceptional (HEL) component deliveries has been accelerating. Some of the components, such as the electrical transformers received between January and May from the United States, have already been insta...
HSH Prince Albert II took time to tour the dozens of stands and industrial exhibits of MIIFED-IBF 2016. He is pictured here listening to the explanations provided by ITER Director-General Bernard Bigot and Pierre-Marie Delplanque, from Agence Iter France, on the transport of ITER's largest components.

Monaco: fusion world capital

In 2010, 2013 and 2016, a major rendezvous in fusion has gathered researchers, industrialists, and international organizations to the Principality of Monaco. Under the High Patronage of HSH Prince Albert II, the Monaco-ITER International Fu...