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Actu & Médias

Pour les actualités en français, voir la page Actus & Médias.

Safety and Quality Seminar for Domestic Agencies

This meeting was concluded by a visit of the construction site. (Click to view larger version...)
This meeting was concluded by a visit of the construction site.
On 17-18 January, the Safety, Quality & Security Department provided training for 20 representatives from the seven ITER Domestic Agencies. Joëlle Elbez, David Sands and Lina Rodriguez reviewed the main features of the ITER licensing process; the organization set into place to meet the requirements of the Order of 10th August 1984 (Quality Order); and examples of procedures that exist to implement each article of this important Order, which prescribes the mandatory requirements for all safety-relevant activities both within the organization and during the execution of work.

This training was provided in the framework of the Safety and Quality Assurance Working Group (SQAWG) that meets four times per year as a channel of communication and forum for discussion between the ITER Organization and the Domestic Agencies in regard to safety and quality assurance concerns. This is the first training in a series that is planned for the technical responsible officers from the Domestic Agencies.

The Safety and Quality Assurance Working Group at work. (Click to view larger version...)
The Safety and Quality Assurance Working Group at work.
This meeting in Cadarache was a good opportunity to discuss many issues and was concluded by a visit of the construction site, where the participants were very impressed by the progress of the project and, in particular, the anti-seismic bearings in the Tokamak Pit.

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