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Actu & Médias

Pour les actualités en français, voir la page Actus & Médias.

Why ITER is "so important for 1.3 billion Indians"

After touring the construction site, Ambassador Pandey met with the Indian staff members (29 persons presently) to discuss their experience at ITER and in France. (Click to view larger version...)
After touring the construction site, Ambassador Pandey met with the Indian staff members (29 persons presently) to discuss their experience at ITER and in France.
"In my country," says acting Indian ambassador to France Indra Mani Pandey, "we are very energy deficient. This is why the success of ITER is so important for 1.3 billion Indians!"

Ambassador Pandey visited ITER last Tuesday 23 April, accompanied by his wife and one colleague. After touring the site—an experience that "helped [him] take the full measure of the challenge"—he met with the Indian staff members (29 persons presently) to discuss their experience at ITER and in France.

The Ambassador was particularly interested in learning "how the seven ITER Members collaborate on a day-to-day basis." The way the governance of the project is organized, he felt, is a template for the future.

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