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Actu & Médias

Pour les actualités en français, voir la page Actus & Médias.
Worksite photos

The view one never tires of

For the past three-and a half years, ITER Communication has been documenting construction progress from the top of the tallest crane on the ITER worksite. Although shooting the same place from the same viewpoint might be considered repetitive and boring, in this case it never is: the ITER worksite is an ever-changing landscape one never tires of.
The ITER site in early July 2018. Project metrics indicate that the level of design completion for First Plasma components and systems is at 93.9 percent, while the level of construction and manufacturing completion to reach First Plasma has topped 60 % based on ITER Unit of Account value credits (May data). (Click to view larger version...)
The ITER site in early July 2018. Project metrics indicate that the level of design completion for First Plasma components and systems is at 93.9 percent, while the level of construction and manufacturing completion to reach First Plasma has topped 60 % based on ITER Unit of Account value credits (May data).
See the gallery below for a new series of images, the first since April. More filming and photographing is scheduled for later this month.

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