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Actu & Médias

Pour les actualités en français, voir la page Actus & Médias.
Media Days 2018

ITER, from the inside out

As concrete and steel structures rise on site and major strides are being made in the fabrication of machine components, interest in the project is growing worldwide. ITER is tangible; it is happening for real. Visitors on site—13,000 last year alone—can bear witness to the progress that is made every day.

A day of interviews for ITER Director-General Bernard Bigot, as media teams from the seven ITER Members travelled to southern France for an update on the ITER Project. (Click to view larger version...)
A day of interviews for ITER Director-General Bernard Bigot, as media teams from the seven ITER Members travelled to southern France for an update on the ITER Project.
But the pace of work on site and finite resources for on-site tours place a limit on the number of individuals ITER can receive. This is why—in addition to its weekly program of visits—the ITER Communication team organizes targeted events such as Open Doors Days for members of the public and annual media events for journalists.

In the latest Media Days event on 10-11 October approximately 30 reporters/camera teams were on site for a full two-day program of events—complete site tour with access to every major building, interviews with the ITER Director-General, and a slate of lectures on ITER's science, technology, international make-up, and status.

Click to view the video...
All ITER Members were represented at this year's event. Teams came from Agence France Presse (AFP), Al Jazeera (see video), China News Service, Chosun Biz, Corriere della Sera, The Engineer, the Indo-Asian News Service, Nature, Nature Research, RAI News 24, Sky News and Xinhua News Agency to name but a few.

Stories have already been trickling through; please see the links below. The full list will be kept current on this page (scroll down to "In the Press").
Chosun Biz (interview)

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