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Actu & Médias

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Image of the week

The welding of the feeder stubs

Operating inside a plastic tent, this welder from MAN Energy Solutions is finalizing the connection between a feeder stub and the cryostat base. Feeder stubs are cylindrical passages for the in-cryostat feeders that are part of the system delivering power, cryogenic fluids, diagnostics and control systems to the magnets. Other welders are presently welding the "manways" that provide access to the bottom of the assembly pit. The welding of the cryostat lower cylinder to the base is scheduled to begin in the second week of October.
The welding of 19 feeder stubs is now complete, as metrology and fit-up operations continue prior to the welding of the cryostat lower cylinder to the base. (Click to view larger version...)
The welding of 19 feeder stubs is now complete, as metrology and fit-up operations continue prior to the welding of the cryostat lower cylinder to the base.

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