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Actu & Médias

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Image of the week

First central solenoid module on its way

It's a long way from San Diego to Houston. From the Pacific shores to the Gulf of Mexico, the road stretches approximately 2,400 kilometres through Southern California, Arizona, New Mexico and the better part of Texas. The itinerary could be that of a road movie—vast desert expanses, lone gas stations, endless strips of asphalt...

Going through Arizona... (Click to view larger version...)
Going through Arizona...
On 21 June, the first module of the tokamak's central solenoid—the "beating heart" of ITER—left the General Atomics factory in the San Diego suburbs to embark on the first leg of the long journey to ITER. The convoy transporting the 4.3-metre-wide, 113-tonne module is scheduled to reach the port of Houston this week. Procured by US ITER, the component is expected at Marseille harbour in August and on site the following month.

Somewhere along the road... (Click to view larger version...)
Somewhere along the road...

Click here to view a TV coverage of the convoy's departure and an interview of General Atomics' Director of Engineering and Projects, John Smith.

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