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Actu & Médias

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Image of the week

Last measurements before campaign

In order to precisely identify the bevel regions that need to be rectified, metrologists from the SIMANN (SIMIC-Ansaldo) consortium are performing ultra-precise measurements on both sides of vacuum vessel sector #7. In a few weeks, when all tests and qualification procedures are complete, repair operations will begin in parallel on the bevel regions of sectors #6 and #7. Both components require approximately 24 kgs of metal fill before final machining restores the bevels to their nominal geometry.

Repairing sector bevels will begin with grinding operations, followed by manual metal fill-up and automated machining. As machining is simpler and does not alter the steel's mechanical properties, build-up will be minimized as much as possible. Operations will be conducted in parallel on sectors #6 and #7 (pictured here), which will remain in the giant sector sub-assembly tools for the duration of the works. (Click to view larger version...)
Repairing sector bevels will begin with grinding operations, followed by manual metal fill-up and automated machining. As machining is simpler and does not alter the steel's mechanical properties, build-up will be minimized as much as possible. Operations will be conducted in parallel on sectors #6 and #7 (pictured here), which will remain in the giant sector sub-assembly tools for the duration of the works.

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