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Actu & Médias

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Fusion Expo on stage in Bratislava

Bringing the Sun down to Earth sometimes requires strong hands. (Click to view larger version...)
Bringing the Sun down to Earth sometimes requires strong hands.
The Fusion Expo, a travelling exhibition designed to be accessible to the general public, is currently on stage in Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia. The extensive exhibition presents various aspects of fusion as an environmentally-acceptable, safe and sustainable energy technology. In a clear and simple way, it explains the fundamentals of fusion, describes Europe's fusion research facilities, introduces the ITER Project, and looks ahead to the construction of a working fusion power plant.

The Fusion Expo will remain in Bratislava until 18 February and then move on to the magnificent Prechtlsaal in Vienna where it will be open from 1-10 March.

For more information on the Fusion Expo click here.

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