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52 kA, 6.5T, 4.6 K

PF insert coil before impregnation with epoxy resin. (Click to view larger version...)
PF insert coil before impregnation with epoxy resin.
The first tests of the PF Insert Coil at Naka have delivered encouraging results. On Monday, 23 June, the conductor was successfully taken up to an operating point of 52kA at 6.5T and 4.6K. The PF Insert Coil is made from a 40m length of conductor that corresponds very closely to the conductor to be used in the PF6 coil. It is wound as a single layer solenoid that is placed inside the bore of the CS model coil which provides the background field (about 6T). In the next few days, the operating margins at the operating points will be measured. The tests will last about eight more weeks and will include pulsed stability tests, AC losses and load cycling.

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