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Actu & Médias


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A successful collaboration enters its second year

Luca Bottura, Head of the CERN Superconductor and Devices Section; Neil Mitchell, Head of the ITER Magnet Division; Frederick Bordry, Head of the CERN Technology Department; Arnaud Devred, Head of the ITER Superconductor Systems & Auxiliaries Section; and Lucio Rossi, Head of the CERN Magnet, Superconductors and Cryostats Group, standing in front of a sample holder used for critical current measurements of Nb3Sn strands.  (Click to view larger version...)
Luca Bottura, Head of the CERN Superconductor and Devices Section; Neil Mitchell, Head of the ITER Magnet Division; Frederick Bordry, Head of the CERN Technology Department; Arnaud Devred, Head of the ITER Superconductor Systems & Auxiliaries Section; and Lucio Rossi, Head of the CERN Magnet, Superconductors and Cryostats Group, standing in front of a sample holder used for critical current measurements of Nb3Sn strands.
The 4th Steering Committee of the CERN/ITER Collaboration Agreement was held on 19 November at CERN. It marked the end of a second year of successful collaboration between the ITER Organization and CERN on superconducting magnets and associated technologies, and the establishment of CERN as the ITER reference laboratory for superconducting strand testing for the oncoming five years.

The implementation agreement for 2009 encompassed a wide range of topics ranging from expertise in stainless steel and welding, high voltage engineering, high temperature superconductor (HTS) current lead design, and testing and consultancy in cryogenics and vacuum.

The main role of CERN as the ITER reference laboratory will be to carry out yearly benchmarking of the acceptance test facilities at the six Domestic Agencies involved in superconducting strand production; to help in the training of the personnel involved in these tests around the world; and to carry out third-party inspection and expertise in case of problems during production.

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