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Actu & Médias


Of Interest

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Joint venture in communication

For the first time the communication division of CEA Cadarache met on the ITER premises.  (Click to view larger version...)
For the first time the communication division of CEA Cadarache met on the ITER premises.
A new collective noun had to be invented on Friday to describe the meeting between CEA Cadarache and ITER communicators: a gaggle of geese, a swarm of bees, a pod of whales and now a clutch of communicators.

Guy Brunel (right) and Neil Calder, the Heads of Communication at CEA Cadarache and ITER.  (Click to view larger version...)
Guy Brunel (right) and Neil Calder, the Heads of Communication at CEA Cadarache and ITER.
The communication representatives of all CEA institutes get together twice each year to swap information, best practice and to come up with new projects. The most recent meeting was held in the ITER Headquarters and was the perfect opportunity for the ITER Office of Communication to learn about CEA activity and work out ways of collaborating. Thanks to Guy Brunel, Head of Communication at CEA Cadarache, for organizing the event.

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