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IAEA Fusion Energy Conference held in China

The group leader of the Safety, Environment and Health group, Jean Philippe Girard, explaining ITER safety systems to a participant of the IAEA conference. (Click to view larger version...)
The group leader of the Safety, Environment and Health group, Jean Philippe Girard, explaining ITER safety systems to a participant of the IAEA conference.
Director General Nominee of ITER, Kaname Ikeda, gave an overview in which he described the roles and responsibilities of the partners who will take part in constructing ITER, the present status and structure of the ITER organization, and its targets in the short term. ITER PDDG Nominee Norbert Holtkamp spoke about the engineering challenges for ITER, such as the performance of the superconducting magnets, neutral beam development, and flexibility during operation. He also described the design review process, which should lead to a new ITER baseline design in spring 2007.

Many of the presentations of the conference are available on the web here and here.

The next IAEA fusion conference will be held in Geneva, Switzerland, in 2008.

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