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Actu & Médias


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No more lost persons: the new receptionists Sebastian Chicca and Benoit Granel. (Click to view larger version...)
No more lost persons: the new receptionists Sebastian Chicca and Benoit Granel.
We will miss them, those lost visitors wondering around our corridors, knocking on our doors asking for directions on how to find Mr or Mrs So-and-So. Relief has finally arrived. Since last week, the ITER Organization has its own receptionists.

Sebastien Chicca (and his replacement Benoit Granel), employed by Dynapost, a company specializing in internal logistics, will be located right at the entrance of Building 519. From now on, one or the other will be there every day between 8.30 and 11.30 and between 13.15 and 16.45 to handle incoming and outgoing mail and deliveries and also to welcome visitors and help them find their way in the ITER Organization buildings.

The reception desk's telephone number is - 9915

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