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Actu & Médias


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Shinto blessing for IFMIF site in Rokkasho

Special events require special measures: Pascal Garin (second from right) paving the way for IFMIF. (Click to view larger version...)
Special events require special measures: Pascal Garin (second from right) paving the way for IFMIF.
An old Shinto ceremony shall help to keep bad vibes out.  (Click to view larger version...)
An old Shinto ceremony shall help to keep bad vibes out.
On 21 May 2008, the Broader Approach site in Rokkasho experienced a rare celebration: the company in charge of safety for the construction of the buildings organized, on behalf of JAEA, the "anzenkigansai" ceremony - a groundbreaking ceremony following an old Shinto ceremony aiming to provide good auspices all along the construction phase.

Many personalities from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology within the Aomori Prefecture, the Rokkasho village, the JAEA and the Permanent Representation of European Commission in Japan attended this important and picturesque event.

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