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Actu & Médias


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Two-year contract signed with KOPEC

On 9 October 2008, the ITER Organization and the Korean Company KOPEC signed a two-year framework contract. The subject of this contract is to provide engineering support to the ITER Organization in the field of electrical installations. The duration of the contract is two years with the option of extending it another three years.

KOPEC is to provide the engineering support for the design integration of the ITER steady state electrical network (SSEN) and the pulsed power electrical network (PPEN) components in the building and plant layout, including control and interlock for the components and connected systems. The contract also includes the development of tools required for the design of the cable database and routing (power and control cables) as well as the finalization of the baseline design and design criteria up to the level required for the preparation of the functional technical specifications for the procurement of the networks.

The contract was signed by the ITER Director-General Kaname Ikeda and the Senior Vice President Young Suk Hur on behalf of KOPEC.

return to Newsline #53