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ANS fusion awards announced

The American Nuclear Society Fusion Energy Division has announced the following awards for 2008:

The Outstanding Achievement Award is presented to John D. Sethian (NRL). The award cites Sethian for "his research in laser and target systems for inertial fusion energy and for his superlative technical leadership of the High Average Power Laser (HAPL) program."

The Technical Accomplishment Award is presented to Joseph Minervini (MIT) and to Mark Tillack (UCSD). The award cites Minervini for "his outstanding work and leadership on the US ITER central solenoid model coil." It cites Tillack for "his scientific research on laser-matter interactions and final optics for inertial fusion energy systems."

A Special Distinguished Service Award was also presented to Kenneth R.Schultz (General Atomics). The award notes his consistent support of the ANS Fusion Energy Division "by holding many division offices, several times serving on the executive committee, serving on national committees and the board of directors, serving on technical and editorial boards, and mentoring students and younger Fusion Energy Division members."

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