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Actu & Médias


Of Interest

See archived articles


Pour les actualités en français, voir la page Actus & Médias.

ITER attracts International Media

Although there is still little to see apart from temporary office buildings and the first signs of the site being cleared, ITER is already attracting a steady stream of representatives of the international media that shows no sign of slowing up.

ITER DDG Valery Chuyanov is interviewed by Svetlana Sukhova, special correspondent of the weekly Russian journal ITOGI. (Click to view larger version...)
ITER DDG Valery Chuyanov is interviewed by Svetlana Sukhova, special correspondent of the weekly Russian journal ITOGI.
In recent months, American, Spanish, British, and Russian journalists and photographers have made their way to Cadarache to interview ITER staff and report on the developments on the ITER site. The presence of the Tore Supra Tokamak and the Fusion Research group of the CEA (DRFC) help ensure that visitors can already enjoy the real fusion experience.

return to Newsline #7