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Actu & Médias


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F4E elects Staff Committee

The new F4E Staff Committee with Director Didier Gambier (centre): Pilar Rosado, Aris Apollonatos, Victor Saez Lopez-Barrantes, Cristina Ortiz-Schousboe, Gabriella Saibene, Fanny Cauvard, Angela Bardenhewer-Rating and Alfredo Portone. (Click to view larger version...)
The new F4E Staff Committee with Director Didier Gambier (centre): Pilar Rosado, Aris Apollonatos, Victor Saez Lopez-Barrantes, Cristina Ortiz-Schousboe, Gabriella Saibene, Fanny Cauvard, Angela Bardenhewer-Rating and Alfredo Portone.
To have or not to have envelopes—that was one of the questions the Election Committee had to deal with when planning and preparing for the first Fusion For Energy (F4E) staff elections held last week.

The contenders represented a healthy mix of F4E "old-timers" and newer faces that were canvassing to be elected for a three-year period. Nationality-wise, Spaniards and Italians led the pack, with four contenders respectively.

Campaigning was a pretty homogeneous affair—candidates were bound by rules to present their manifestos in designated areas of F4E, in the kitchens and by the exit doors on each floor, and on the F4E-net (which served as the tool to collect and communicate all information related to the staff elections). Although the importance given to the different themes varied, issues such as schools, lunch tickets, flexi-time, and parking featured more or less in all campaign programs. Certain candidates used the fusion process as a catalyst for communicating their ideas, while others turned to Obama for inspiration: Yes We Can!

return to Newsline #76