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Actu & Médias


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Science journalists join the JET set

 (Click to view larger version...)
Journalists from 18 different countries descended on Culham in the UK on Friday 3 July to see how the JET device is paving the way for ITER.

The visitors were delegates from the World Conference of Science Journalists, which took place in London earlier in the week.

Francesco Romanelli, EFDA-JET Associate Leader, gave a presentation on the exciting plans for JET and led tours of the facility—during which the journalists tested their skills with the remote-handling boom by playing Jenga!

Nick Holloway of Culham's Public Relations team explained: "It was a unique opportunity to make contact with journalists from countries that wouldn't normally be on our radar. Our visitors came from as far afield as Argentina, Uganda and Australia, and they took away a very positive impression of JET and ITER."

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