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PhD Network for future fusion scientists

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In 2008, the "European PhD Network in Fusion Science and Engineering" was established between the Universities of Lisbon, Munich and Padova, backed up by the European fusion labs IST in Portugal, IPP in Germany and Consorzio RFX in Italy. The Network aims at educating PhD students in fusion science and engineering on a broad level to make them fit for a future job in fusion.

"We are trying to fill a gap between traditional University courses in plasma physics and what is needed on a job in fusion. These students could be part of the generation that runs ITER," explains Hartmut Zohm, Member of the Board of Scientific Directors at IPP Garching and Member of the Network's Academic Council.

From 28 September to 9 October, 15 students from the three Universities joined the first "Advanced Course" in IPP Garching that focused on fusion plasma physics. In the course of their curriculum, the students will follow two more advanced courses in Lisbon (diagnostics and CODAC) and Padova (fusion technology).

The network is open to other universities and fusion labs to join and this process is currently going on in the framework of the EU fusion program.

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