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Kazakhstan comes to ITER

Possible new ITER Members: the delegation from Kazakhstan on site. (Click to view larger version...)
Possible new ITER Members: the delegation from Kazakhstan on site.
A delegation from Kazakhstan travelled to Cadarache on 17 April for an informal two-day meeting on possible Kazakhstan contributions to the ITER project in the event that the ITER Members would agree to start formal interactions for possible accession by Kazakhstan. ITER DG Kaname Ikeda and PDDG Norbert Holtkamp presented the progress of ITER, design review and preparation for the June ITER Council and the representatives of Kazakhstan gave presentations of their technical areas of interest for contribution to the project and on their preparation for possible formal interactions with the ITER Organization. These presentations were discussed in depth by the technical experts on both sides. The delegation also toured the ITER construction site and the French fusion experiment Tore Supra.

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