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Actu & Médias


Of Interest

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Pour les actualités en français, voir la page Actus & Médias.

Fire fighting

In case of a fire in any office building, you should follow the procedure below:

1. alert the Rescue Team (CEA/FLS) by dialling 18, or 2218 (internal network), or 04 42 25 22 18 (from a cell phone)

2. alert the ITER First Aid Team and ITER Building Safety and Security Supervisor (Alain LeBris - 7535)

3. if the fire is small, try to extinguish it using the fire extinguishers available in the corridors, but only if you can do so without risk to yourself. Training for using extinguishers will start next January, but here are brief instructions in the meantime:

How to use an extinguisher:

-Remove the pin

-Strike the extinguisher if necessary

-Direct the jet towards the base of the flames

-Press the operating handle

-Fight the fire from the outer limit of the extinguisher's range, then move closer.

return to Newsline #58