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Actu & Médias


Of Interest

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Pour les actualités en français, voir la page Actus & Médias.

Seminars on insurance, pensions and taxes

Some of the ITER staff have only just arrived, others have been here for a while, but all have had to adjust to new health insurance, a new pension scheme and a different tax situation. Although many aspects of these systems have already been explained, some questions may need further clarification. The ITER Human Resources (HR) Division therefore invites all ITER staff, both directly employed and seconded, to two information seminars:

On 16 May a seminar on ITER Medical Insurance and Pension Fund will be held in the "Rene Gravier Amphitheatre". The agenda is as follows:

- 13:00 - 13:15 HR presentation on IO social contributions - 13.15 - 13:20 Staff committee presentation of the subcommittee for insurance and benefits - 13:15 - 13:30 Presentation of the Medical Insurance, general questions with Previnter - 14:00 - 15:00 Presentation of the Pension Fund, general questions with ASH (La Mondiale) - 15:00 - 16:00 Time for individual questions.

During this seminar details of both schemes will be presented, so it will be a great opportunity for all ITER staff to understand both policies and to clarify, directly with the insurers, any specific questions.

In order to prepare efficiently for this seminar, please send your questions on Medical Insurance and Pension Fund to the staff committee at all-StaffCommittee@iter.orgwhich will collect them and liaise with the HR division so that we can inform our insurers in advance of the major issues.

Around the end of May, another seminar will be held on the French Income Tax Declaration Procedures. During this Seminar representatives of the French tax department will explain how to fill in and deal with the French tax forms and will further clarify the tax situation of ITER employees in France. The exact date will be announced soon.

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