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  • Statement on ITER Progress

    The ITER project in November 2017 has reached a significant milestone: the completion of 50 percent of the total construction work scope through First[...]

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  • Europe

    Domestic Agency: Fusion for Energy(F4E) in Barcelona, Spain On-site construction: As part of its 45.6 percent contribution to ITER, Europe is construc[...]

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  • United States

    Domestic Agency: U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA (US ITER) Central solenoid: In Poway, Californi[...]

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  • China

    Domestic Agency: ITER China Office (ITER China) in Beijing, China Magnet feeders: ITER's magnet feeders will relay electrical power, cryogenic fluids [...]

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  • Russia

    Domestic Agency: Project Center ITER (ITER Russia) in Moscow, Russia Poloidal field coil #1 Six ring-shaped poloidal field coil magnets will encircle[...]

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  • Korea

    Domestic Agency: ITER Korea in Daejeon , Korea Vacuum vessel fabrication The ITER vacuum vessel, a donut-shaped stainless steel chamber heavier than t[...]

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  • India

    Domestic Agency: ITER India in Gandhinagar, India Cryostat assembly underway The 3,800-ton ITER cryostat will be the largest stainless steel vacuum ch[...]

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Domestic Agency: ITER Japan in Naka, Japan

Toroidal field coil magnets and cases

Japan has the responsibility for making 9 of ITER's 19 toroidal field coil magnets, as well as all of the cases for these magnets. Japan's first toroidal field winding pack was realized in 2017 by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd/Mitsubishi Electric Co; a second is underway at Keihin Product Operations/Toshiba Corp.

The steel cases are being made in segments at Mitsubishi Heavy Industries in Futumi, Japan. They constitute the main structural element of the magnet system—not only encasing the winding packs that make up the core of the toroidal field magnets, but also anchoring the poloidal field coils, central solenoid and correction coils.

In September Japan shipped the first segment of the first case.

  • See more details here.
  • For more about the function of the cases, see here.
  • For more about the completion of Japan's first toroidal field magnet core earlier this year, see here.
  • See photos here.
Superconductor for the central solenoid

The central solenoid, the gigantic pillar at the core of the ITER Tokamak, is being built in southern California. But the production of 43 kilometers (745 tons) of special niobium-tin (Nb3Sn) superconductor that will make up this magnet is the responsibility of Japan.

Japan recently completed a major milestone, shipping the last of this material to the U.S., where it will be wound into the modular coils that make up the central solenoid magnet.

  • For more on the fabrication of the central solenoid, see here.
  • For more on Japanese production, see here.
  • See photos here.
Deliveries to the Neutral Beam Test Facility

The "neutral beam" system will provide more than half the heating for the ITER plasma. Given the groundbreaking nature of this system, a full-scale Neutral Beam Test Facility has been constructed in Padua, Italy, with significant contributions from Japan.

In November, Japan completed its deliveries of power supply components.