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ITER QA Working Group meeting held in Korea

Participants to the 5th ITER QA meeting held in Daejeon, Korea. Click for high-res.  (Click to view larger version...)
Participants to the 5th ITER QA meeting held in Daejeon, Korea. Click for high-res.
The 5th ITER ITER Quality Assurance Working Group meeting was held from 17-19 April in Daejeon, Korea and was hosted by the Korean Participant Team Leader Dr. KJ Jung. The purpose of the QA meetings is to share information on the ITER QA standards and procedures, and to discuss the developing QA programs in the ITER Parties.

The meeting included visits to several Korean industrial companies—the Korean Power Engineering Company KOPEC and DOOSAN Heavy Industries & Construction—and the headquarters of the National Fusion Research Center NFRC, with a tour of the KSTAR facility. The meeting participants included representatives from all seven Participant Teams, five members of the ITER Organization, and numerous people from the industrial firms KOPEC and KINS, and the NFRC.

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