IIS 2007 organizers (Aix-Marseille University, France)
Introduction to ITER physics
David Campbell, ITER Organization
Drift-wave turbulence
W. Horton, University of Texas at Austin (US)
Turbulence in magnetised plasmas
B. Scott, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (Germany)
Nonlinear evolution of pressure-gradient-driven modes and anomalous transport in plasmas
Satoshi Hamaguchi, Osaka University (Japan)
Tearing modes and transport
R.B. White, Princeton University (US)
Dynamics of Transport Barriers and Shear Layer Evolution
P.H. Diamond, University of California San Diego (US)
Physics of zonal flows
K.Itoh, National Institute of Fusion Studies (Japan)
Review on MHD turbulence
S. Cowley, University of California San Diego (US)
Physics of and achievements with the H-mode
F. Wagner, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (Germany)
Signal processing techniques for characterizing nonlinear processes in turbulent plasmas
G. Bonhomme, Nancy University (France)
High energy particles in tokamaks
R.B. White, Princeton University (US)
Introduction to tokamak core turbulence
T.S. Hahm, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (US)
Edge localised modes: ELMs
JW Connor, Culham Science Centre (UK)
Nondiffusive turbulent transport in tokamaks
P. Kaw, Institute for Plasma Research (India)
An experimentalist's view of transport of plasma rotation in magnetically confined plasmas
Carlos Hidalgo, CIEMAT (Spain)
Computation of tokamak edge turbulence
B. Scott, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (Germany)
Turbulent impurity transport in tokamaks
V. Naulin, Risø National Laboratory (Denmark)
Stochastic transport: basic physics for ITER
K. Spatschek, Dusseldorf University (Germany)
Kinetic simulations of turbulent fusion plasmas
Yasuhiro Idomura, Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Turbulent transport in fusion plasmas: scaling laws, transport models and barriers
X. Garbet, CEA (France)
Electron thermal transport
W. Horton, University of Texas at Austin (US)
Turbulent transport momentum and spontaneous rotation
P.H. Diamond, University of California San Diego (US)
Non-diffusive transport in fusion plasmas: a fractional diffusion approach
D. Del Castillo Negrete, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (US)
Edge turbulence tokamak plasma experiments: diagnostics and scaling laws
P. Hennequin, Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS (France)
Physics of neoclassical tearing modes
Abhijit Sen, Institute for Plasma Research (India)
First ITER International Summer School (2007). Ed. Sadruddin Benkadda, AIP Conference Proceedings no. 1013, 2007. ISBN : 978-0-7354-0534-9