US ITER bids farewell to Carl Strawbridge
Cindy Ross Lundy, Oak Ridge National Lab/US ITER Project
US ITER bids farewell to Carl Strawbridge
Carl and Linda Strawbridge.
Members of the US ITER Project Office and other Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) friends gathered recently to celebrate the career of Deputy Project Manager Carl Strawbridge, who retired 30 September.
Project Manager Ned Sauthoff and ORNL Director Thom Mason were among those who paid tribute to Carl and his work, which included terms as Deputy Project Manager and Deputy Director at ORNL's Spallation Neutron Source, a $1.4 billion project that was completed ahead of schedule and within budget.
"Wherever Carl has served, he has combined a no-nonsense, take-charge style with thoughtful, caring leadership for his people," Ned said.
Other praise for Carl came from Federal Project Director Bill Cahill of the US Department of Energy's (DOE) Oak Ridge Office, who cited his "unique blend of both persistence and patience, particularly related to managing US ITER Project issues."
US ITER Program Manager Jeff Hoy of DOE sent a note thanking Carl for his "pivotal role" in building the SNS and launching US ITER efforts.
Gary Johnson, ITER Tokamak Department Head, sent a movie of ITER staff in which he called Carl's management style very direct and reasonable and always moving forward. "What I liked most about working with him was that I knew he would help if he could," Gary said. "He always did."
Carl is retiring after 11 years at ORNL. A graduate of the US Naval Academy, he also received a master's in mechanical engineering and naval architecture from MIT. He completed 25 years with the US Navy, retiring as a Captain after serving in numerous engineering assignments on ships, aircraft carriers, and nuclear submarines and in line industrial leadership positions.
All who know Carl and Linda, his wife of nearly 38 years, wish them much happiness as they embark on a new phase of their life from their home base in Maine.
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