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Herron named Dep. Director at US ITER

Susan Herron, the new number two. (Click to view larger version...)
Susan Herron, the new number two.
Suzanne A. Herron has been appointed Deputy Project Director for the US ITER Project Office at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. She previously was Senior Manager for Project Controls for US ITER.

In Herron's new role, she shares responsibility for providing leadership in all project areas with US ITER Project Director Ned Sauthoff. She also will help lead interactions with the international ITER Organization regarding scope and schedule of the US portion of the project.

Before joining US ITER as Project Controls Manager, Herron held a similar position for ORNL's $1.4 billion Spallation Neutron Source Project for seven years. She has more than 30 years of diverse experience in US Department of Energy (DOE) and industry programs, including some 20 years in project and program management.

Herron has served on a number of national and international advisory boards for large-scale science projects. She is the recipient of numerous company achievement awards, including recognition as Middle Manager of the Year at ORNL's 2001 Awards Night.

Herron holds a B.S. in mathematics and an M.S. in industrial and systems engineering, both from Ohio University. She and her husband, Andrew, live in Lenoir City. They have three children.

The US ITER Project Office is hosted by ORNL and sponsored by DOE's Office of Science.

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