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Holtkamp visits China

Middle: Norbert Holtkamp talking to the Director-General of ASIPP, Jiangang Li. On the far right, ITER DDG for Administration, Shaoqi Wang. (Click to view larger version...)
Middle: Norbert Holtkamp talking to the Director-General of ASIPP, Jiangang Li. On the far right, ITER DDG for Administration, Shaoqi Wang.
From 8-11 May, ITER Project Construction Leader Norbert Holtkamp visited China. He visited Western SC Institute in Xi'an, SWIP in Chengdu and ASIPP in Hefei.

In Beijing, he also met with Dr. Cheng Jinpei, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Science & Technology of China, in charge of all ITER and related responsibilities. Mr. Jinpei expressed his support for supplying resources needed for completing the design review and the finalization of the procurement packages. The establishment of the Chinese Domestic Agency will in all likelihood be somewhat delayed towards the end of 2007.

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