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Russian government discusses strategy for the development of fusion power up to 2050

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The Russian government last month adopted the main provisions of a draft strategy for developing a fusion power industry, including the construction of commercial fusion reactors by 2050. "If we fail to adopt this fusion research program now, we will soon lose the existing scientific potential and professional knowledge to implement the strategy," Akademician Yevgeny Velikhov was quoted by the Russian News Agency Novosti.

As Velikhov put it, the 2009-2015 program represents a first stage of a new fusion power strategy, including the modernization of technological potential that has been created during Soviet times, as well as training of scientific personnel. The cost is estimated at 30 billion roubles ($1.17 billion), but it could rise along with the implementation of specific projects, the scientist is quoted as saying.

The second stage of the proposed strategy (2016-2031) envisions the development and testing of materials to be used in future fusion power reactors. During the third stage, which will start after 2031, Russia hopes to design and start building commercial fusion power plants.

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