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Office space - Extension II

Extension II near the fence to the future ITER site. (Click to view larger version...)
Extension II near the fence to the future ITER site.
The new offices will house 146 people (Click to view larger version...)
The new offices will house 146 people
Now that ITER staff has increased to about 300 (including contractors and temporary staff), and with another 90 people expected to arrive over the next six months, office space is becoming increasingly scarce and cramped. Fortunately relief is on its way, for three new buildings at a stone's cast away are almost ready to house another 146 people.

The construction of these buildings which are located in the middle of pine trees, on the playground of squirrels and wild boar, started about four months ago. The three new buildings, with a total surface of approximately 1800 square metres, will provide for office space, meeting rooms and storage. They are planned to be ready by the first week of February and office moves will begin shortly after. The Department of Central Engineering and Plant Support including the Design Office will move into the new building and subsequently some of the office space in building 519 will be redeployed for the remaining departments.

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